Very interesting article on algorithms in medicine. The first point is that the use of algorithms is a significant improvement than the existing practice of medicine. This leads to the main challenge in health care, and I believe it is because of the way medicine is practiced, i.e. the patient is kept out of the process, resulting in the patient perception that medicine is a science. Patients need to understand that medicine, unlike sciences like maths and chemistry and physics, is not a science, it is much more of an art. This leads to the concept that medicine is constantly evolving and improving which means the medicine of next year will be more concise than what is practiced this year. In other words, what is practiced today is not wrong at the time of practice, but patients can expect, just like consumers, that the next "version" will be improved. Algorithms will enhance this process.
And one more point, it is naive to think (again the perception that the industry tries to portray to patients) that each patient will receive a truly individualized management paradigm.
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